Nahuku also known as the Thurston Lava Tube, an easily accessible lava tube, was discovered in 1913 by Lorrin Thurston. We left the bus and walked the short distance to the entrance. It was hard to think that we were walking where red lava once flowed. We also were told that lava currently travels from Pu’u O’o, flowing to the ocean in a labyrinth of lava tubes much like the tube we were walking through. We had to watch our heads in the tube – there are some areas with a low ceiling. At the it was discovered the roof of the tube was covered with lava stalactites, but those soon disappeared to souvenir collectors.It was very dark in the tube with just a few lights so you could see without falling.

2013 11 05 Hawaii NCL Pride of America Day 4 Hilo Thurston Lava Tube

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