As we entered Yellowstone National Park, this buffalo was walking down the road. He was walking down his side of the road. Don’t know where he was going or where he was coming from!

A stop at the West Thumb Geyser Basin gift shop.

Old Faithful Geyser reaches the height of 106 – 184 feet and last 1.5 – 5 minutes every 90 minutes with temperature of 204° F and discharges 3,700 – 8,400 gallons at a time.

We spent some time walking the area’s scenic trails. We were told to stay on the trails because of the thermal area break so easy and there is scalding water just under the ground. We saw lots of steaming vents, spouting geysers (small ones), bubbling and boiling geothermal features and quite a few turquoise blue hot springs.

There are rustic and meandering boardwalks that allow us to have personal access to thermal areas while safeguarding us and the natural resources.

We arrived at the Lake Hotel and was impressed by the hotel’s massive white columns, accented by the yellow exterior, which gave it a time of classic, yet casual elegance. The hotel stands majestically on the shore of Yellowstone Lake. The hotel reminded me of the 1980s movie Somewhere In Time.” It was like stepping back into the 1900s with the grandeur of the public rooms.

The Lake Yellowstone Hotel Dining Room was a casual elegant restaurant with a unique menu which was creative and upscale. We enjoyed the special treatment you receive in an upscale restaurant but not having to dress for it.

After checking in we visited the lake at the front of the hotel, we settled into comfortable chairs with drinks in hand in the hotel sun room. It was a warm afternoon, so we enjoyed the breeze crossing the room from open windows and listen to the pianist playing tunes on the grand piano. A perfect afternoon.

Our room was on first floor, with a bath and fan, no TV, phone or AC. It did have a radio with a couple of stations.