The group performers, and bands make the parade a parade of America, making it feel like a hometown occasion. There are 8,000 total participants (approximately 4,000 of which are Macy’s employees, including clowns, marching bands, dancers, balloon handlers and big-name performers. Many of these volunteers are doctors, nurses, advertising executives, social media managers of course a tone of Macy’s employees. These people gladly spend their Thanksgiving morning dancing and throwing confetti down the streets of New York.
The 610 Stompers with ages ranging from 20 to 60l refuse to allow professional dancers to taint their motto of Ordinary Men, Extraordinary Moves. Since their birth in 2009, they have evolved and grown into a 100-man strong, all male dance group whose bold mission is to return the ordinary man to the glory of dance. The members f the Stompers come from all walks of life and from across the country. New Orleans is their birthplace and will always be their home. The men did a great job dancing during their break in front of us.
Stone Forest of Kumming, China performers is a dance group of 70 Chinese and American performers dressed in Chinese traditional costumes.
This studio has been teaching Indian dance in Atlanta for 18 years and are proud to be the premier dance studio in the southeast. Kruti Dance Academy finished 9th of 5,000 entries in the Indian TV Talent Show Chak Dhoom Dhoom.
This group was organized by the Heartbeats Jump Rope Team in Cleveland, Ohio, Jumpers United for Macy’s Parade (J.U.M.P.) is composed of over 200 jump rope athletes representing 45 teams from 21 states throughout the nation. This will be the second time J.U.M.P. athletes participate in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, from teams across the country, also appeared in the 2009 Parade.
Spirit of America has been in the Parade for more than 25 years! They have 650 Members. Spirit of America Productions produces two performances in the Parade. The CHEER performance consists of high school & all-star cheerleaders selected nationwide. These performers must be between 14-18 years of age. The DANCE performance consists of dancers from high schools & studios from across the country. These performers must be between 14-18 years of age.