Suzy and Rick had played LCR in Madisonville with friends, and thought we might enjoy playing it on New Year’s. They went to Target and found it on sale for something like 49 cents. The game can be played with money or chips, they use money instead of chips. LCR is a dice game that is very easy to learn and simple to play. It is played with three dice and doesn’t require any strategic skills, giving beginners the same chances of winning as experienced players. This makes LCR a good game for kids who don’t like losing — nobody is out of the game until someone wins, and when that happens, everyone else loses at the same time. We had six to eight players and the two boys, Cameron (age 3) and Dexter (age 5). The boys joined us in between their different activities.
This is how you play the game. If you roll an L or an R, pass a token to the on your left or right. If you roll a C, put a token in the “pot” in the middle of the table. If you roll a dot, keep a token. On the first turn, each player will roll all three game dice. Most of the instructions say to give each player three tokens but we used 10. After this round, a player may only roll all three dice if he or she has three or more tokens. If a player has one or two tokens, then the player only rolls the number of dice that they have tokens. If a you lose all of your chips, then you skip your turn until you receive a token from the player on your left or right. Play continues until only one player has tokens left. That person then wins the game and takes the pot. It is a fast-moving game and doesn’t take a lot of thinking.