A couple of years ago, we were really interested in making apple chips. However, we couldn’t figure out an easy way to make them. We did think that a dehydrator was the answer. Rick and Suzy were here visiting at that time and started looking at yards for the dehydrator. It took almost a year but they were able to find one. Mark, our neighbor, has an apple tree hanging over his fence. Steve went over today and picked some apples. Not sure what typed they are but it didn’t matter for our first experiment.
I got the apples peeled, covered them with cinnamon sugar and put them into the machine.
After eight hours the apples were dry but not crisp so into the oven they went. In a few minutes they were brown and crisp. The apple chips were very good, so good I forgot to take a picture of the finished chips. As a side note, I think it is easier to pick up a bag of apple chips and skip all of the work making them.