A Yellow Flag on North Beach

Today we came by the North Beach; the waves were high and the yellow flag flying. The United States Lifesaving Association, in conjunction with the International Lifesaving Federation, has developed a flag warning system that has been adopted by coastal communities worldwide to notify beachgoers of potential water hazards. Understanding and heeding these colored flags […]

Forests II

The upper McCloud River offers spectacular waterfalls, great fishing, and shady camping and picnicking spots under towering pine trees. This is a huge National Forest. As we traveled along the pathway, we saw the river winding below among the trees. We walked through the Fowlers campgrounds, which were very nice. It is located between the […]


Trinity National Park Forests Middle Falls is a show. From The trail from the upper falls and the path from the middle parking lot meet up and descend to the base of the middle falls. As you wind your way to the base of the falls the noise of the water crashing gets gradually louder […]

Lots of Steps II

The Filbert Street Steps run through a garden tended to and paid for by the residents of the “street”. Many houses in this residential neighborhood are accessible only from the steps. As on paved streets, several fire hydrants and a solitary parking meter are located along the steps. One of the residents had a bee […]

A Saturday Morning Walk

This was taken back in June. Rick, Dee, Steve and I went to the Leavenworth Parks and Recreation’s National Trail Day walk. We started off in one of the local parks and up into a hillside (very steep hill) then back down into the park. It was suppose to be 3 miles but none of […]

The Bridge To No Where

For my birthday the kids gave me this very large picture Steve and I found at Ikea in MN when we were there for Spring Break. We thought it was a very peaceful picture that would look nice on the back porch. Fred and Steve pulled it out of it’s round tub and started to […]

Elegant Ester The Tree

This is a pin oak tree located next to the pool. We have talkedfor about three years that we should paint in the eyes and mouth that appears on the trunk. We finally got out the paintand ladder to do it and I realized this wasn’t going to be MYproject. I couldn’t reach that high […]

Our Praying Mantis

The other afternoon we were coming in from the pool and I spotted this praying mantis on the fern by the back door. This is a video of our friend, he became very aware of the camera in his face and at the end jumped on it.http://youtu.be/6q5sWvqdtew

A Morning Rainbow

We had a light rain this morning and had this FULL rainbow outside of our front window. It was very pretty.

Looking For Spring

I think this bird is looking around for spring and thinking about moving into one of the apartments in our backyard.