The Hill

In May of 1992 we arrived in Lansing KS from Kaiserslautern Germany and purchased the house on Bambi Ct. Living in small military apartments for the pass three years we were excited to search for a house with a yard. I had wanted a house that people wouldn’t be directly living behind us. We had […]
Enjoying the Back Porch

We are enjoying the back porch while it snows. It is not decorated for Christmas as much this year, just haven’t gotten things out. Maybe it is in the back of our mind that we leave on the 10th of January on an eleven day cruise. Whatever we get out will just have to be […]
New Play Toy

Last winter we started talking about changing up the living room by getting a new TV and doing away with the cabinet that surrounded the TV plus all the “stuff” over the cabinet. It was just talk, just couldn’t make that commitment at that time. Finally a couple of weeks ago, Steve started checking the […]
A Place I Called Home

On December 10, 1954 my parent purchased the house at 509 Silkwood Ave. It was a single family home with 904 sq ft. Across the front of the house was was a living room, dining room and a kitchen with a washer and dryer behind louvered doors. Today this would be known as an open […]
A New Pad

Our hot tub broke. We went out one night to get in and the water temp was 54 with the air temp around 40. Don, the hot tub guy, came out and said the heat pump was bad. So a new tub was in our future but first Steve decided to have a new concrete […]
The New Tub

After shopping every spar company in Kansas City, we finally found the hot tub we both like. It was funny how we search and search, there was a tub here or there that we liked for different reasons. But neither one of us were “sold” on any of them. Then we arrived at Above and […]
The New Fence Goes Up

Today the guys returned to finish up the fence. It seemed to go up very fast and is a beautiful fence. I didn’t get out there to take a picture of the finished fence but will post one later.
Taking Down The Fence

Today they delivered the lumber for the new fence around the pool. After off loading the lumber, they started taking down the old fence. Once the sections were removed they started removing the post. At one point the worker must have gotten cold. They built a fire in the can, burned the wooden steps and […]
Welcome Fall

Our burning bush finally started turning in the backyard. As the days went by it became if bright red. We went out to a pumpkin farm the other day. Kristie, Samantha and I picked out pumpkins to paint, the guys didn’t want to paint one. I just got around to taking pictures today. Kristie took […]
Floor Delivery

We are putting new flooring in the kitchen and dining room and it was delivered today Steve felt bad for the delivery guy and helped him up the drive way with it.