New Year’s Eve Dinner

We had a small get together for New Years Eve and the next few post will tell you about the evening as it unfolded. The Geiss and Bender families came for dinner. Ted had to work so he wasn’t able to come but we sent food home for him the next day. I made Turkey […]
Christmas Morning Video of Our Tree
There is music with this video, be sure to have your sound turned up.
Tree 2014

I got a new camera for Christmas and was playing around with the different settings. I took close up pictures of our Christmas tree.
Wreaths Across America

Tens of thousands of volunteers with the Wreaths Across America placed more than 700,00 wreaths on veterans’ headstones on December 13th. The North East Kansas Chapter of American Gold Star Mothers honored our Veterans at the Leavenworth National cemetery by placing the Christmas Wreaths. We drove through the Leavenworth National Cemetery today. Only one section […]
TBT Kisses & High Fives Video

This video was made on November 26, 2008. We had just finished dinner and were recording Samantha doing some of her sign language she was learning at day care. By pointing down she was wanting to get down from the table and patting her stomach she was saying please. She then was encouraged to interact […]
Dance Lessons Under The Stars

Mark was showing the girls how to do some fancy foot work as we waited for the fireworks to start.
Dressed for the 4th

The kids got dressed up for the holiday, they did a great job!
Waiting for the Fireworks

We pulled out the chairs, got the fire pit going, and settled in to wait for the fire works to start.
Tattoo Artist At Work

Samantha is very good at putting tattoos on so she helped Cameron with his. Even the adults put some on for the fun of it.
Time to Eat

Steve fired up the grill and got the burgers cooking. The bar and table were filled with food which was a good thing, everyone was hungry. Corn on the cob was a big hit with the kids, as well as the adults. Everyone was eating but no one was feeding Riley, so she nibbled on […]