Floats and Celebrities

At the hotel we were told to move away from Herald’s Square to watch the parade because this area is blocked off for the NBC telecast and not accessible to the public. The grandstand seating you see on television is for Macy’s employees, family members and parade partners. In 1924, originally known as Macy’s Christmas Parade, […]
Performance Groups

The group performers, and bands make the parade a parade of America, making it feel like a hometown occasion. There are 8,000 total participants (approximately 4,000 of which are Macy’s employees, including clowns, marching bands, dancers, balloon handlers and big-name performers. Many of these volunteers are doctors, nurses, advertising executives, social media managers of course […]
Just Clowning Around!

In the 89th Macy’s parade there were more than a thousand clowns dancing and throwing confetti down the streets of New York. These pictures cannot show the interaction the clowns had with the spectators as they marched. To be a clown in the parade, you have to attend Clown U or do an online clown […]
Send in the Balloons!!

The balloons looked a lot different from last night. The netting and sandbags had been removed and the balloons, without much wind, were allowed to flying high. If the Kool-Aid Man Balloonicle were an actual pitcher of Kool-Aid there would be over 10,000 gallons to share. He is high as 3 story building, as wide […]
SSSHHHH…It’s the Quite Zone

On Thursday morning the guys left the hotel at 5:30 to stake out a place for us to watch the parade. They found a very nice area at the barricades among trees and small shrubs with a small fence marking off the area. Red and green Christmas ribbon was quickly put out to mark off […]
What’s For Dinner?

After seeing all the balloons, we found the subway and headed back to the hotel. On the way, we stopped in at the Playwright Irish Pub and Restaurant. The Pub was just 5 doors up from the hotel. We could stop, have dinner and then be back in our rooms in five minutes. Sounded great. […]
Even More Balloons

Snoopy: high as 9 story building, wide as 5 taxi cabs, long as 11 bicycle, 90 handlers
More Giant Balloons

More balloon photos with a little info about the balloon.
Macy’s Giant Balloons

On Wednesday night we traveled, by subway, to the Upper West Side of Manhattan to preview the giant balloons for the Parade on Thursday. We spotted the first balloon just to find out we were at the end of the viewing route. The policeman told us which way to go and we headed out. After […]
Wandering the Streets II
Times Square is undergoing a redesign to provide additional public space for pedestrians and events, and transform “the bow tie” into a world-class piazza. The transformation is a three-phase capital project that began in 2012 and is currently scheduled to be completed by December 2016.  NYC Time Square’s Iconic mime artist “Da Goldman” that […]