Who are you Marching for? Bataan Memorial Death March

Some of the marchers were marching to commemorate the life of a father, grandfather, uncle or a relative of a friend. For motivation some said they kept in mind the Bataan soldiers and their suffering. “Every time you start feeling tired, you think about them and this is nothing compared to what they had to […]
Gathering for the Bataan Memorial Death March

The following information was given out to the marchers, so it would be easier for them to enter the event area the morning of the march. “Motorists are asked to have their vehicle pass prominently displayed in their windshield and to have their IDs ready when they are entering the post” “Passengers must also have […]
Race Time Bataan Memorial Death March

Katy, our neighbor, had given Steve and Rick stickers for the march. Steve had picked out the one with the Garmin saying. Between Holan giving Steve a Garmin watch for Christmas and the lack of food and sleep, it turned out to be very appropriate. Steve and Rick spent the night at a hotel in […]
Text Messages The Day Before Bataan Memorial Death March
These are the text that started that night and continued into Saturday. They tell how things were going in TX and responses from family and friends. Samantha sent a text to Papa after being told he wasn’t feeling well. The morning started off good, with Steve feeling much better. He had a waffle for breakfast […]
The Course , Nothing But Miles and Miles of Sand, Bataan Memorial Death March

From the start line (blue star at the South end of the map) the routes go counterclockwise. The numerically marked (1-12) blue drops indicate the water points. The red stars indicate medical stations. On the 26.2 mile course, Steve and Rick did, proceeds Northwest from Water Point 4/8, circling a small mountain known as Mineral […]
In Processing Bataan Memorial Death March

It is Friday and time to pick Rick up at the airport. After collecting Rick, we head to White Sands Missile Range, NM, about an hour drive from El Paso, to pick up the registration packets for Sunday. The Missile Range is secluded and nestled at the base of two large mountain ranges with nothing […]
History of the Bataan Memorial Death March

No Mama, No Papa, No Uncle Sam The Bataan Memorial Death March is a challenging march through the high desert terrain of White Sands Missile Range, conducted in honor the the heroic service members who defended the Philippine Island during World War II, sacrificing their freedom, health and in many cases their lives In April […]
Registration and Records for the Bataan Memorial Death March

It all started out by Rick asking Steve if he would do the Bataan Memorial Death March at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. Steve said sure, so he sent in his paper work and reserved airplane tickets for March to El Paso. Registration Includes: T-shirt, Dog tag, Certificate, Commemorative timing chip, Sports bag, […]