It’s All About Water Guns

As far as 4th of July weekend goes, this was a cooler water year. It was warm enough for the adults to get in but not too hot. One year we had to put bags of ice in the pool to cool it down. One thing about this 4th, we had more kids than usual […]
Lansing Fireworks 2

The fireworks were great, the city really did get their money’s worth. The only thing, that needs to be improved on, is getting people out of the park after the show is over.
Lansing Fireworks

In 2012 a volunteer was killed while assisting after the Lansing fireworks. He was among the crew disposing of fireworks that had not discharged during the show. One exploded near the man as he was working. We were there that night and did not know anything had happened until the next morning. Since that night, […]