A Storm & A Rainbow

As we sailed along we came upon a storm. We stood on our balcony and watched as the rain moved in and as we passed it a rainbow appeared.
A Trolley Ride

The Pride of America docked in Nawiliwili Harbor, on the island’s southeast coast, near the town of Lihue. We hopped on the Harbor Trolley to the beaches of Kalapaki Bay. We enjoyed the refreshing water, the sandy beach and watching boats coming and going. We stopped in at Kalapaki Joe’s for drinks. Save Save Save
The Story

This production tells the inspiring story of one family’s incredible voyage from Tahiti to Kauai, told through vivid storytelling & dance in an enchanting setting. In the opening scene a father remembering a time of struggle, recalls a decision, a journey and their prayers to Akua (God). Kalama means light ……kalamaku a flaming torch….that is […]
What’s For Dinner?

The Pu, a Hawaiian conch shell, was blown to let us know that it was time for dinner. We had signed up for the VIP package so we walk over to the mansion. We were seated around an open-air courtyard with views of the plantation grounds and Mt. Waialeale in the distance. As we sipped […]
A Plantation

Kilohana, a restored plantation estate that provides a glimpse of life in the 1930s. The site of a 16,000 square-foot Tudor mansion that was home to one of the island’s most prominent families, Kilohana is now a picturesque venue for tours, gatherings and a theatrical luau. We visited the various artisan shops located around the […]
An Underground Oven

For the luau, we were having shredded kalua pork cooked in an imu. This is an underground oven that uses a combination of hot coals, stones and layers of leaves and cloth or mats to steam the food. To build an imu dig into the earth about 2 feet to 4 feet deep with sloping […]
Leis, Drinks, Music, Shopping

We were greeted at Kilohana, a restored plantation estate, with fresh-flower leis for the girls and shell leis for the guys. We listen to traditional Hawaiian music as we shopped the local vendors stalls and drank Mai Tais and Blue Hawaiians. Save Save
Hula Dancers

On our returned trip on the Wailus River the young hula dancers entertained us and provided a lesson inviting everyone to join them in a final dance.
A Few Ferns

The world-famous Kauai Fern Grotto (Ma’ama’akualono) is a natural lava-rock grotto with long Boston Sword ferns growing upside down from the roof and cooled by misting waterfalls. Once a royal gathering place, this area was dedicated to the major god, Lono. Its natural amphitheater acoustics made it a perfect place for serenading musicians and a […]
A Boat Ride

A slow relaxing ride up the Wailus River to the Fern Grotto was about two miles. Along the way we passed lush jungles, cascading waterfalls and people paddle boarding and canoeing. The musicians on board played native songs and the captain shared stories of ancient Hawaii.