Hamburgers and Ice Cream

Road trips can be fun, especially when you discover out-of-the-way places. And if you have been out walking in the forest, you need something to eat. We traveled into McCloud and found Floyd’s Frosty. They claim to have the ‘best burgers in Siskiyou County’. This place is completely bare bones and while it isn’t modern […]
Forests II

The upper McCloud River offers spectacular waterfalls, great fishing, and shady camping and picnicking spots under towering pine trees. This is a huge National Forest. As we traveled along the pathway, we saw the river winding below among the trees. We walked through the Fowlers campgrounds, which were very nice. It is located between the […]

Trinity National Park Forests Middle Falls is a show. From The trail from the upper falls and the path from the middle parking lot meet up and descend to the base of the middle falls. As you wind your way to the base of the falls the noise of the water crashing gets gradually louder […]

We traveled from San Francisco to Mount Shasta for the Michelle and Don’s Wedding. Mount Shasta is a city in Siskiyou County, California, at about 3,600 feet (1,100 m) above sea level on the flanks of Mount Shasta, a prominent northern California landmark. The city is less than 9 miles southwest of the summit of […]
Kick Off The Celebration

We arrived in Mt. Shasta without any problems, got to the hotel, cleaned up and headed out for the Welcome Party. And a welcome it was. Tom, Mary Alice and Dee had arranged a very nice evening for our enjoyment. We were so entertained that not many pictures were taken. There was two coolers and […]
Road Trip To The Mountain

Steve got the rental car picked up and we were ready to head out of San Francisco. We drove across the Bay Bridge and we were on our way. These are just a few sights we saw during our four-hour drive. This is a lot of hay! An almond orchard in Northern California……. This appeared […]
Dreams do come true…..
Steve and Kristie took Samantha to Disneyland in February. When she saw the castle she said “dreams do come trueâ€. She always said she wanted to go to the Disney castle someday. Holan and I finished up her birthday book over the weekend and this was one of the photos I download to go in […]