After having lunch we changed and walked out onto the beach. The beach is located on the south shore of Honolulu.  The world-famous neighborhood of Waikiki was once a playground for Hawaiian royalty. Known in Hawaiian as “spouting waters,” Waikiki was introduced to the world when its first hotel, Moana Surider, in 1901 was built. Waikiki Beach has all kinds of activities since the 1950s such as swimming, snorkeling, canoeing, kayaking, or just relaxing under a palm tree. The 2-mile stretch of white sand coast is actually divided into several sections by various hotels, but each is connected to the other by a boardwalk. Steve and Lupe were finishing up putting away things and getting the sun tan lotion, the rest were wondering the beach.

2013 10 28 Hawaii Waikiki Beach Sun Tan Lotion Hiding goods

At some point, guess I was wondering a little too much (might have had something to do with all the drinks) Steve and Fred sent Jeri to collect me to join them in the water. She was a very nice local, who comes to the beach every day and lives in the neighbor of Waikiki. Now, if you ask the guys this is not what happened so maybe none of us remember the true story of how we met Jeri.
2013 10 28 Hawaii Waikiki Beach Phyllis Jerri

2013 10 28 Hawaii Waikiki Beach Phyllis Jerri Fred (2)

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